2 Tiny buddhas send you Holiday peace

2 peaceful buddhas and a sleepy friend

 “The holiest of holidays are those kept by ourselves in silence and apart; The secret anniversaries of the heart.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

blue christmas buddha
Harmony Buddha under the Christmas tree

The Holiday season which started in some places around the end of November is coming to a close. With this evening being  Twelfth Night, and Epiphany/the Feast of the three kings on Wednesday the sixth, most of the world that celebrates the season religiously or festively will close the book on 2020.

Christmas shark….Doo doo, Doo doo, Doo dooooo…(you’re welcome)

In harmony with the Santas

Most of us who celebrate the December holidays have altered our traditions this year. We’ve made new ones and hopefully, you’ve taken the time to remember the old traditions and hold a special place in your heart for the memories of the people and fur-family who have helped to make past holidays special.

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