TwTB15- Introducing our new tiny friend, Love

Welcome our new tiny buddha friend, “Love”, wishing you sweet peace. We figured sometime around Valentine’s Day would be an appropriate time to debut our little orange friend.

Orange is the new…Love?

Orange is an unusual choice for love. Usually, red, or pink, even sometimes purple, are linked to love. But orange doesn’t come to mind when you think of love or sensuality. Orange is an active vibrant color. It’s a color that steals your attention; orange fruits are healthy, and orange smells are stimulating.

Waiting patiently for chocolates

Then again, the best kind of relationship is a healthy stimulating one.

Some Buddhist monks wear orange robes, don’t they? There appear to be different explanations for the classic “saffron” robes, ranging from the spiritual to the practical. In many ways, Buddhism teaches compassion, kindness, and joy, finding peace and spirituality through a love of all things.

Love and Chocolate

Why and when did chocolate become synonymous with Love and dating? You’ve seen the old trope, a guy wants to date a girl, so he brings her flowers and chocolate. Where did that come from? Did that imply women were easily wooed with chocolate and flowers?

Tiny friend with a fuzzy valentine bear

Traditions speak of the aphrodisiac properties within chocolate. Science, however, suggests that the property of a truffle that triggers warm fuzzy feelings is most likely the sweetness.  Moreover, there is no difference between men and women and their fondness for chocolate. Marketing and expectations have made chocolates a “girls thing”. Turns out a cardboard heart full of chocolates is gender-neutral.

Finally getting some chocolates!

We hope our little friend’s gentile sweet face brings you joy and maybe inspires a small act of kindness. Visit our TwTB page for the link to pick up one of your own. (This isn’t an affiliate link; we don’t make anything from the sale of these tiny buddhas.)

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