TwtB7: Harmony by a frozen koi pond

Winter Koi pond

What better place for a tiny buddha to be than checking in with the koi fish to see how they were faring in a partially frozen pond. This pond is in the courtyard of an office building.

The day was cloudy and chilly. The koi were huddled together under a thin crust of ice. Every now and then, one would flick a fin, otherwise they were sleepy still.
tiny blue buddha and koi

The legend of the Koi

Long ago, a school of Koi were swimming the Yellow River.

They came upon a huge waterfall with a golden gate at the top

happy buddha by a frozen pond

The school began to swim up the waterfall toward the top, but the journey was hard.

One by one each fish quit the challenge, but one Koi persevered.

When the tired little fish finally made it to the top of the waterfall it swam through the gate and was transformed into the most magnificent Golden Dragon. 

Always press on. No matter how hard (or how cold), keep fighting

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